Rapid Transformational Therapy
Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT®) is a phenomenal therapy created by world renowned Speaker and Therapist Marisa Peer.
I recommend having 1-3 treatment sessions. Each session lasts approx. 2-2.5 hours and includes a personalised 15 min recording, regular support & follow ups and a review after 21 days.
1 RTT session ~ £500.00
I offer a free 20 min discovery call to clients interested in having RTT that would like to know more.
It combines the best of hypnosis and hypnotherapy with a whole host of other remarkable techniques to find out the cause of the client’s issues. It then eradicates those beliefs and reprograms the mind to accept positive and transformational beliefs instead, leading to complete freedom from the issue that the client has presented with. RTT® has helped thousands of people worldwide successfully overcome their issues.
RTT® can be used to treat a wide range of issues from lack of self-esteem/ confidence, anxiety, depression, addictions, fears & phobias, infertility, weight loss and sports performance. It is also highly successful for treating pain and other physical issues. People might spend years going to a therapist once a week to talk about their issues, but not really noticing a change. RTT® is so different because it gets results in just 1-3 sessions by getting to the root cause straight away and then getting rid of the baggage that the client has been carrying around with them for so long!
I find it so rewarding being able to free clients’ from their self-limiting beliefs and transform their lives so they can become the person they were supposed to be and live the life they were born to live ~ a happy and healthy one.
I've found RTT so successful in my own life. In 2010 I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. I went through a rollercoaster of debilitating symptoms for 10 years until I discovered RTT and it's been so amazing for improving both my physical and my mental health and has contributed to the MS going into remission.